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Our Company

  • Company profile
Company name
CEO & President
Eiki Igarashi

Established date
September 26, 2008
Business content
Research and development of nanomedicines and nanoproducts
Profile of CEO 
Igarashi experienced the evaluation of efficacy/safety of polymeric nanomedicines at Nanocarrier Co., Ltd. (see Igarashi, 2008, Toxicol. Appl. Pharmacol., 229:121-134). Before that he experienced as toxicologist and project manager in Hoechst Marion Roussel K.K. (Sanofi K.K. at present). Recently, he experienced the biomedical survey of nanoparticles in the National Institute of Advanced Industrial Science and Technology (AIST)., and then he published a comprehensive text for all nanoscientists ( see Igarashi 2015. by CRC Press).
 Mission (business concept)
 Our company is focusing as the mission of business concept to realize medically high valuable and beneficial new medical care on three categories of diagnosis, therapy and palliative care of unmet cancer therapeutic area by traditional technology.
Origin of company name
NANOSION was named by three key words for promising nanomedicine, size, shape and electric charge. NANO means the size for selectivity with capillary. S means capital S in sharp. ION means ion for electric charge.  
  • Recruiting information 
We are not recruiting any corporate staff nowMedical licensing representative
Responsibility - negotiation with other company for licensing-out or co-development.
Competency - Licensing experience in pharmaceutical company.
Age - Ageless. Also welcome to a person with licensing experience as a second job after retirement.
Applicant should send CV below mail address.